How To Tie The QC Blowback Rig (Hook Klip)

The Hook Klip offers the option to make the long standing and extremely popular Blowback Rig 'quick change'. Follow the steps below to tie one for yourself!

You will need:

Wide Gape X Kamakura

Hook Klips

Large Kickers

Dark Matter Tungsten Coated Braid

Small Rig Rings

Hair Stops

Razorblade Scissors

Strippa Tool

Step 1

Take off 14-inch length of Dark Matter Coated Braid of of the spool.

Step 2

Strip 6-inches of the coating using a Strippa Tool.

Step 3

Form a hair loop in soft section and mount chosen hookbait.

Step 4

Lock a small Rig Ring in place just about your hookbait with a Overhand Knot.

The distance above your bait will determine your hair length.

Step 5

Attach a Hook Klip to your chosen hook. We're using a Wide Gape Kamakura.

Step 6

Line up Rig Ring opposite the barb, set the length of your hair and lock your Hook Klip in place with a Knotless Knot.

Step 7

Pass a Large Kicker down your hooklink and over the eye of the hook, to the position shown.

Step 8

Your rig is now constructed, all you will need to do is test and attach to your chosen lead set-up!


The extremely popular Blowback Rig is now 'Quick Change'!



This is a test definition


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