Kiana Carp Goo - Scopex and Buttercorn
Baiting Beginner
The legendary Scopex was made famous decades ago by the great Rod Hutchinson, and now Kiana Carp have created two Goos with a wonderful twist on this great attractor, which has further advanced its fishcatching capabilities.
Super Scopex Supreme:

The Super Scopex Supreme is a wonderfully vibrant Goo, carrying a slight orange appearance in the bottle. The Supreme Goos are perfect for drizzling onto hookbaits and letting them soak right through to the core of the bait. Additionally, they can be great coated onto stick mixes, and then slowly mixed in to give a slow instantly luring scent from the groundbait.
Try blitzing up some Mainline Cell boilies in the food blender, then just adding either the scopex Supreme or Buttercorn into the mix. Then use a little Funnelweb bag of this, hooked onto a wafter hookbait or popup which has also been soaked heavily in it, and you have a brilliant set-up that very few fish would ever swim past without investigating.
It’s PVA FRIENDLY, so small amounts can be added to the outside of a PVA bag prior to casting, for unparalleled attraction. If you fish Solidz bags, the nozzle from the Goo bottle can also be inserted/pierced into the PVA bag, once made, and a small amount squirted in amongst the contents of the feed within it. The PVA friendly liquid will then release once your bag is on the lake bed and surround your parcel of food with a highly attractive halo of smell and colour.
Scopex Cream Smoke:
This once again carries the deadly Scopex flavour that has been developed by Kiana Carp, but within a different viscosity and make-up of Goo. This Smoke-style carries the signature green haze that made the Goo world-famous, and will be perfect for adding to the top of Method feeders, adding to zig foam, hookbaits etc, just before casting out, as it will withstand the rigours of a cast, and sinking through the water.
Once submerged, it will leak off over a prolonged period, sometimes upwards of one hour. Making it brilliant for the short session angler.
Neil Spooner made fantastic use of the Scopex Cream Smoke in Korda Masterclass 8: Carp Fishing using Ready Tied Rigs. He demonstrated its mega attraction and versatility by adding it to his ready-tied zig rig, resulting in a mega 34lb mirror from St Johns on the Linear Complex.

A major edge; when you’ve soaked your hook baits in the Supreme version for a while, maybe two weeks. Get the Smoke variant, roll your pot of baits in it, then place in sunlight, in the airing cupboard or some form of dry heat. This will adhere the Goo to the outside, giving you an even longer leak off time.

Buttercorn Goo

One of the finest blends created to date by Kiana Carp. This has been nothing short of extraordinary in field-testing, with excellent results for carp, big and small, across the globe. One taste of this will indicate that this isn’t your usual liquid attractor. It is delightfully sweet and a potent fish attractor.

In testing, it has been a wonderful hookbait soak, along with being a great addition to stick, Method and bag mixes. Even a small glaze over loosefeed, when using a more potent Goo’d hookbait over the top, is another massive edge.

The colour is also a plus for those who favour white hookbaits, or the washed out look for more pressured carp. It’ll give a mild haze around the hookbait, signifying a sweet orbit around the business end of your bait.

The Buttercorn Goo is one of Danny Fairbrass' top 5 flavours and it has featured in his armoury after having great success during the testing phase. It has played a part in some of the major Masterclass and Thinking Tackle films and can be seen regularly in DF's bait bucket.
Buttercorn Supreme - A very smooth, rounded smell yet a really strong and penetrating one. I prefer to use this with a white hookbait, ideal for a washed out look to your bait, and one that works really well fished over the Cell. With the Buttercorn Goo, you can achieve this washed out look, yet still have a bait oozing with attraction.

Finally, Buttercorn Goo is great to combine with the Tiger Nut Goo, add a 50/50 mix of each into an empty tub, shake well, and then add your baits to it. When you smell it, you’ll know what we mean!
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