Advice and tips
Zig rigs - what are they and how to fish them
How to set up, use, and get the best from zig rigs
A guide to night fishing for carp
Everything you need to know about fishing for carp at night
Choosing a carp barrow that is perfect for you
How to choose the fishing barrow that will best suit your needs
A guide to your first carp fishing holiday
Everything you need to know about booking a carp fishing holiday abroad
Which carp fishing tackle box is best?
A look at all the different ways to store terminal tackle
Ready made carp rigs
Ready made carp rigs and what is available to use straight out of the packet
How to choose the best carp rods
Everything you need to know about carp rods and how to choose the right one
Carp fishing bait - when to use artificial bait
Everything you need to know about artificial baits and how to use them to catch carp
What is a Ronnie rig and how to use it
Everything you need to know about what a spinner/Ronnie rig is, and when and how to use it
What is the best line for carp fishing?
Choosing the right type of carp fishing line can be daunting and confusing
Weather The Seasons
Making the most of the weather conditions
Tom Stokes - Finding the spot
Tom Stokes explains how to find clear spots
Tom Stokes - Tackling Summer
The summer can be a great time for catching carp, it's warm, the carp are at their most
Neil Spooner - Why I Love Using Solidz
Spooner explains why he loves Solidz bags.
Oscar Thornton - Solidz Bags For Big Carp
Oscar explains why Solidz bags are an integral part of his approach.
Luke Stevenson - Chod Fishing
An in depth look at Luke's approach to chod fishing.