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- Come creare l'Hinge Stiff Rig - Passo dopo passo
Come creare l'Hinge Stiff Rig - Passo dopo passo
Rig Advanced
One of the most effective Pop-Up presentations ever! The Hinge Stiff Rig has been around for many years and has accounted for some of the countries and world best Carp. Pecky shows you the steps he takes to tie his Hinge.
You will need:
Choddy Hook |
20lb Hybrid Stiff Coated Braid |
20lb Mouth Trap |
Rig Ring |
Small Krimps |
Size 11 PTFE Ring Swivels |
Dark Matter Tungsten Putty |
Bait Floss |
Shrink Tube |
Krimp Tool |
Razorblade Scissors |
Pulla Tool |
Take 7-8 inches of Hybrid Stiff off of the Spool
On on end, slide on a Small Krimp and size 11 PTFE Ring Swivel
Pass the Tag back through the remaining Krimp barrel and tighten a trim tag end short
Using a Krimp Tool and the small slot, crimp down
Cut a section of Shrink Tube, slide onto your hooklink and down onto your Swivel
Follow the same process, setting your boom section at 5 inches, crimping another swivel at the opposite end
Mould a blob of putty around the Crimp which will be at your hook end
Now for your hook section. Take a length of Mouth Trap off of the spool
Form a 7 Turn Knotless Knot, tighten down and slide a Rig Ring onto the tag end
Pass tag end through the eye and blob with a lighter
Your end section should be looking like this!
Pass the tag end through the small eye on your Ring Swivel - folding over to set the length
Tie off with a two-turn Blood Knot
Bed the knot down with a Pulla Tool
Don't forget to moisten with some saliva
Flick the kettle on and steam down your Shrink Tubing section
Give the rest of your rig a steam straight
Finished, your rig is now complete. All that's left to do is mount your chosen Pop-Up
Voila! Ready and waiting for BIG Carp
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