Lions, Fires and 'Mares + Kaizen Rod Winner Revealed

Thinking Tackle Podcast UNCUT | Thinking Tackle Podcast UNCUT: 006

Back for 2025….Tom, Damo, Spooner and Adam start the year talking about everything carp fishing.

Damo reveals the WINNER of his ‘Priceless’ Kaizen Rods by going through some funny anecdotes and stories sent in by the listeners. Plus, the boys talk about what they would take back to the ’80s and ’90s to catch more carp. We hear about an escaped lion, a gas fire disaster and Reedy tells us a pretty intense and scary story about his trip to a public lake in France.

Plus, the lads reveal some cracking insights into how they catch more fish when it's not happening, but feels like it should be. You can't help but add a few takeaways to your own fishing.

The NEW Thinking Tackle Podcast UNCUT will now be available every two weeks.

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