Carp Fishing Masterclass (UK)
Korda's Carp Fishing Masterclasses have revolutionised angling from the day they were released. This series offers hours worth of angling tuition from the biggest and most prolific names in the industry, fishing a variety of waters both in the UK and abroad. The tips are highly transferable, meaning you can take them anywhere to be used to fantastic effect.
Summer Day Ticket Masterclass with Darrell Peck
Summer Day Ticket Masterclass
Big Hit Carp Fishing Masterclass with Rob Burgess
Big Hit Carp Fishing Masterclass
Winter Solid Bag Carp Fishing Masterclass with Danny Fairbrass
Solid Bags Masterclass
Winter Fishing Masterclass with Danny Fairbrass
Winter Fishing Masterclass
Surface Fishing with James Armstrong
Surface Fishing Masterclass
Good Draw? Bad Draw? Spooner and Rob Burgess Have You Covered
Holiday Fishing Masterclass
Darrell Peck & Terry Edmonds
Long Distance Masterclass
Rob Burgess
Solid PVA Bags Masterclass
Darrell Peck
Spring Pop-Up Masterclass
Danny Fairbrass
Bottom Baits Masterclass
Danny Fairbrass & Darrell Peck
Autumn Carp Fishing Masterclass
Neil Spooner
Ready Rigs Masterclass